In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ!
The Great Feast of the Ascension is a celebration of the joy of finding the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord. Believers should perceive Him, of course, not only as a memory of a great historical event, but also as a phenomenon that directly affects every Christian and all humanity in general.
The appearance of the Cross is first of all the victory of good over evil, the subjugation of sin, it is a source of love, because through His all-glorious resurrection from the dead, the doors of paradise were opened and life was given to mankind. We devoutly honor the Holy Cross, kiss it, overshadow ourselves with the Cross, and at the last minute of our lives take the Holy Cross into our hands, showing all this our most sincere love and gratitude to the Cross of the Savior, who accepted severe torments on the Cross for us.
The Holy Cross is the leading sign of our life. This leading sign is a sign of the truth of the Cross, as the Savior Himself defined: “Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow Me.” (Matthew 16:24). The cross is a sign of professing Christ’s faith and His commandments.
The Holy Cross is a Christian’s consolation in the fight against sin, support in suffering. Many holy martyrs and ascetics found courage and strength for victory in the Cross.
Dear brothers and sisters! When you are overcome by anger and despair, raise your eyes to the Holy Cross and listen to how the Crucified One says on it: “Learn from Me, for I am quiet and humble in heart.” (Matthew 11: 27).
When insults, wrongs, diseases and troubles overtake you, and it becomes difficult for you, remember the immeasurable sufferings of Christ and listen to the prophetic words about Him: “Oh, all you who pass by, look and see, is there a disease like my disease?”
When sin approaches you in the midst of severe life trials, and you no longer have the strength to resist the tempter, make the sign of the cross over yourself and beg, with sincere hope, for the help of Jesus Christ: “My Savior, do not let me perish!”. ! when your prayer is sincere, full of faith, the Lord will take temptations away from you and make your heart happy with peace. Because in the Cross, by the power crucified on it – salvation, life and power against the devil, the enemy of our salvation. The Holy Cross is a sign of the victory of the Son of God over the devil and death, a sign of our victories over sin. The sign of the Cross will appear in the sky on the last day, when the Savior will come a second time, and all our deeds and the secrets of our hearts will be revealed before Him. Happy will be the Christians who honored the Lord’s Cross. Keeping in the heart and in the mind everything laid out,
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On the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of the Lord, let us lift Him up in our lives to the proper height and give Him devout worship as a symbol of our salvation, and most importantly, as a great reminder for us of the need to crucify ourselves with our passions and sins. Amen.